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Torts II
WMU-Cooley Law School
Marks, John H.

STRICT LIABILITY- gets rid of proving intent (liability w/o fault)
            SL deals with harboring animals or being involved in dangerous conditions.
1.      Activity subject to SL
2.      Causation
3.      Damages
4.      Defenses
            Trespassing Animals (barnyard animals)
CL exception: lawfully driving animals down the road, but if animal goes beyond land directly on the road then D can be held liable for SL.
Statutory Modifications:
            Fencing In- speaks to D, fence in if you don’t want to be liable
Fencing Out- speaks to P, says you have to have a fence if you want to hold someone liable for SL
            Wild Animals
                        -customs of community determine what is wild
            Domestic Animals
Can be ground for SL if: D as to know or have reason to know animal has a dangerous propensity
            Abnormally Dangerous Conditions
                        Actual damages must come from dangerous activity
            SL DEFENSES
                        P’s negligence: look to see how responsible each party is
                        IAOR: merged into comparative negligence
            3 theories of liability
                        1. Negligence
                        2. Warranty
                        3. SL
                        MacPherson v. Buick Motor
                                    -in old days liability would have ended with the dealer
                                    -in this case Cardozo was breaking through the wall of privity
-Manufacturers duty in tort is to all persons that are foreseeably endangered if product is defective
Because of liability manufacturers use more quality control, so P’s may have t

           -D was disclaiming everything, but repairs up to 4000 miles
                        -Ct. says disclaimer can not stop the tort claim
-ct. said the breach was of implied warranty of merchantability & this means product will be reasonably fit for ordinary use.
-How did P prove warranty was breached? Warranty runs with the product and an event like this doesn’t normally happen
            Strict Liability
                        Greenman v. Yuba Power Products
                                    -seller said breach of warranty was not brought w/I timely notice
                                    -Ct. said you can’t use K defenses in a tort claim
-ct. said if no warranty or negligence who cares. This is SL for dangerous defects