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WMU-Cooley Law School
Sorensen, Paul T.


1. Actor has Purpose/Desire to cause a Consequence/Result OR

2. Actor Knows that it’s Substantially Certain that Consequence/Result will occur

3. Transferred Intent

a) Person to Person
− Same Tort
b) Tort to Tort
– Only 5 “traditional” common law torts: Assault, Battery, False Imprisonment, Trespass to Land, Trespass to Chattels

4. Mistake: No Excuse

Infancy: No Excuse (Unless Incapable)
Mental Incompetence: No Excuse (Unless Incapable)
Intoxication: No Excuse (Unless Incapable)

5.Intent ≠ Motive

6. Must be an “act”

a. Volitional; manifestation of will

b. Distinguish intent to “act” from
i) intent to “cause consequence” and
ii) intent to cause particular injury
a. Intentional
b. Harmful or
c. Offensive
d. Contact
e. No consent
2. Contact:

a. Body to Body
b. Something closely connected to Body
c. Setting forces in motion that make contact (throwing something)
d. Knowledge/Awareness not required
e. Harmful or Offensive

Physical impairment, even if ultimately beneficial; Pain; Illness

Hostile, Insulting, Violating a Reasonable Person’s Dignity

3. No Consent: Plaintiff must prove as part of prima facie case

1. Elements:

a. Intentional Act

b. Causing Apprehension of Imminent Battery (HOC)

c. Apparent Present Ability to Make HOC

d. No Consent

2. Apprehension = Awareness, NOT Fear

3. Imminent: No significant delay

4. Words Alone/ Words with Gestures (history/experience)



a. Intentional

b. Confinement

c. Plaintiff aware or harm results

d. No Consent

2. Confinement

a. Within boundaries

i) Physical Barrier – lock in a room
ii) Physical Force – holding a person
iii) Words if they create threat of immediate harm. (e.g. threat of physical force if plaintiff leaves confined area or threat to children, property. Makes consent ineffective. – ive got a gun in my pocket.
iv) Assertion of Legal Authority

b. No reasonable means of escape

i) none at all
ii) means but risk harm window 20’ up
iii) means but exposure kids that take clothers during shower
iv) means but risk of property damage
v) means but plaintiff not aware of it and not apparent hidden door, not apparent

3. Awareness OR Harm
a. No claim if asleep, unconscious, blind (if confinement by physical boundaries), deaf (if confinement by words alone) UNLESS

b. Suffer physical harm as a result of the confinement

d outrageous to B for purpose of causing emotional distress to C, C can bring IIED claim against A even if C does not witness A’s conduct and is not a close relative of B.


I. Elements

A. Intentional

B. Entry

C. Into boundaries of land



D. Of Another

E. No consent(D’s burden)

III. “Entry”: physical, tangible object goes onto land

But, if particles too small to see, they must accumulate.

III. “Of Another”: Actual & Exclusive Possession

IV. “No Consent”: No permission or permission expires/ is revoked or permission is limited in scope.

V. Harm to land generally not required (except for accumulating particles, then must show actual and substantial damage)


I. Elements

A. Intentional

B. Intermeddling (Make physical contact with; Interfere with; Use; Move)

C. With a chattel (Not land or attached to land)