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WMU-Cooley Law School
Kent, Mara

Contracts I
I.          Types of K:
                                    a) Contract under seal
                                    b) Recognizance
                                    c) Negotiable Instrument
                                    a) Unilateral (promise for an act)
                                    b) Bilateral (promise for a promise)
                                    offeror is the master of the K and is the one who determines if offer                                               is unilateral or bilateral
                                    àTo have a valid informal K the following elements must be met:
                                    1. Mutual Assent (O+A) “Meeting of the minds” through                                                               words or conduct.
                                    2. “Consideration”
                                                a)  Consideration
                                                b) Promissory Estoppel
                                                c) Moral Obligation
                                    3. Legal Capacity (covered in K)
                                    4. Absence of a statute or rule to void the transaction (like                                                           statute of frauds)
Promise for an act
Promise for a Promise
Promise ≠ Contract
Promise à Contract
Act à Contract
Act ≠ Contract
Communication of promise could be verbal or non verbal
II.         Intent to Contract: Offer and Acceptance
                        A.         Mutual Assent (O&A)
                                                1. Meeting of the minds of the parties of the K this                                                                      means all parties are on the same page and is                                                                             required to have a K. Mutual assent is determined by                                                               an objective standard.
                                                            ▪ Objective standard: The apparent intention                                                                   of the parties as manifested by their contracts.
                                                2.  Lucy v. Zehmer (you don’t have the $ to by farm)
                                                Look at outward expressions which are                                                                                       communicated between them. The mental assent is                                                                    not necessary for formation of a K. 
                                                3. Note on Social Contracts (special offers)
                                                            a. Professional statements
                                                                        i. generally they do not rise to the offer. 
                                                                        ii. However, they could be made offers                                                                                       by the professional making a particular                                                                                        guarantee. 
                                                4. Stepp v. Freeman (lottery pool)
                                                            a) Implied-in-fact
                                                                        i. Formed by the conduct and                                                                                         surrounding circumstances, just as                                                                                             enforceable as a written K.
                                                            b) Group had a custom of handling                                                                                             everything even though no written K, rules                                                                                   were understood.     
III.        The Offer
            A. Four things that must be communicated in a K:
                        1. Offer                           
                                    a) Generally an offer must be communicated to the offeree. 
                                    b) Exception: Private rewards need prior knowledge. Gov’t.       
                                    rewards don’t need prior knowledge. 
                        2. Acceptance
                                    a) Must be communicated
                                    b) Exception: Mail box rule
                        3. Revocation
                                    a) In order to revoke an offer, the revocation must come                                                              before the acceptance.
                                    b) Exception: Option contract and acceptance prior to death                                                        offer continues. Death revokes an offer but does not revoke                                                    a contract. 
                        4. Rejection
                                    a) Has to be communicated or else the offer will remain. 
                                    b) When offeree turns down the offer.
            B. Offer: A “yes-able” proposition 
                        1. Communicated: The O must be communicated to the Oee
                        2. Commitment: The Or must have a commitment to K
                        3. Definite in its terms: (price & quantity)
            C. Solicitations (Advertisements):
                        1. Generally not offers
                        2. Vague lack significantly
                        3. Not definite terms
                                    a) Lefkowitz v. Greater Minneapolis
                                                i.) The terms of the K must be clear, definite, and                                                                        explicit, and leaves nothing open for negotiations. 
                                                ii.) It constitutes an offer, acceptance of which will                                                                      complete the K. 
                                    b) Note: Deceptive Practices:
                                                i. Bait and Switch Ads. 
                                                            1. It’s a solicitation for the sale of a product                                                                                that the seller does not really plan to sell. 
                                                            2. Many state legislatures have been trying to                                                                             stop this. 
            D. Written Contract to Follow: 
                        a) To be memorialized later
                                    i. Verbal agreement is reached which is to be formalized                                                              later.
                                                Continental Labs v. Scoot Paper Co. 
                                                            a) If either party intends not to be bound in the                                                                                        absence of a fully executed domcument,, no                                                                                binding K will be formed in such absence.
                                                                        First agree orally à execute written agreement                                                               b) Continental lacked evidence to prove K was                                                                                       binding orally.  
                                                            c) K is complex and therefore not feasible                                                                                               unless in writing. 
            E. Rewards
                        a) Private Rewards
                                    i. Offeree must be aware of reward prior to acceptance.
                        b) Govt. Rewards
                                    i. Offeree doesn’t need to be aware of reward prior to                                                                  acceptance in order to redeem reward.  
IV. Acceptance- a manifestation of intent to accept an offe

           1. Generally motive does not matter
                                    a) Unless involuntary
                                                i. i.e. give it up as a plea bargain 
                                                iii. Coerced
            H. Mode of Acceptance
                        1. May be by conduct- or by words (spoken/written)
                        2. Mode must be of EQUAL or FASTER response than that used                                                             for offer. OR
                        3. Faster than what was requested
                                    A. Davis v. Jacoby (moved from Canada to help old                                                                   people)
                                                a) Death will terminate an offer, but will not terminate                                                                  a contract.
                                                            i. The executor of the estate becomes                                                                                        responsible for enforcing the K. 
                                                            b) As soon as the promise was made, the offer                                                                           became a K.
                                                b) Restatement II: Doubtful offer: the Oee may                                                                           choose which one they want.
            I. Acceptance is effective if :
                        1. (Restatement II view) 
                                    a) 1. Received (comes in the possession of the Or)
                                    b) 2. Received by a person authorized to receive the A
                                    c) 3. Deposited in a place where the Or has authorized for                                              communications (does not have to be read) 
                        2. Tender of Acceptance
                                    a) Offer to perform the requested act with the present ability                                                        to do so.
                                                i. i.e. the case where he does not tender the $ on the                                                                  mortgage- the guy had already sold the mortgage and                                                                   did not accept the tender.
                                                            a. Before the Oee could show the $, the Or                                                                                 revoked offer.
                        3. UCC 1-201
                                    a) A person “receives” a notice or notification when:
                                                i. (a) It comes to his attention; or
                                                ii. (b) It is duly delivered at the place of business                                                                                     through which the contract was made or at any other                                                                    for receipt of such communications. 
     Termination of the Power of Acceptance
     5 Terminators:
            1. Revocation
            2. Lapse of Time
            3. Rejection or Counteroffer
            4. Rejection or Counteroffer
            5. Non occurrence of a condition