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University of Texas Law School
Gergen, Mark P.

Contracts Outline:
Exam Check list:
1. Is this a UCC or Common Law Transaction?
            BronBrake Test-if it si a mix of goods and services, more predominate element
2. Is this transaction within Statute of Fraudsà3 Big.
3. Is there an agreement or promise Formed?
            1. Offer- Manifestation of Commitment
                        -Special Rule of Real Estate
                        -Context of Communication
            2.Acceptance-Guy Dies
                                    -Lapse of Time
            3.Response to Offer-Qualified Acceptance
                        1. Monks to Chant-Meeting of Minds           
                        2How to Accept: 1.Default  2. Offer Specifices
                        3.Single Fact Pattern  
                        4.Silence Never equals Acceptance UNLESS
                        5.Mail Box Rule
            4. Rejection: 3 Ways
                        1. CounterOffer
                        2.Conditional Acceptance
                        3.Additional Terms (Common Law)
                        5. Misunderstanding of K Formation by the Parties-who wins
5. Is there any reason that this agreement or promise not to be enforced?
                        2.Undue Influence
                        4.NonDisclosure Misrepresention
                        5.Remedies for Misrepresentation
                        6. Mistake-Mutual, Unilaterial, Remedies
                        7.Duty of Good Faith-Not Tx
                        8. Ambiguity in Language-Pearless
                        9. Absence of Consideration
                        10. Promissory Estoppel
6. What are the terms to the K?
            1. Lack of Important Terms in K (aka Indefiniteness)
            2. Terms in a Box
            3.Form K’s
            (Battle of Forms)
            1. Interpretation –Williston,Corbin, Tx
            2. Parol evidence- Stop in the name fo law
7. Was the K performed?
            1.Partial and Total Breach for Installment K
8. Is there any excuse for nonperformance?
            1. Sale of Goods-Perfect Tender Rule
            2.All other Stuff-Material Breach
            3.Warranties: Express & Implied
            5.Remedy Limitations
            6.When the Other Party says they plan on Defaulting
            7.Unforseen Occurences: Impossibility, Frustration of Purpose, Language of Expressed                 Conditon
9. What are the consequences of nonperformance? Remedies
Liquidated Damages, Expectation (don’t forget consequential damages-forseeability certainty), Reliance, Restutition, Specific Performance, Sellers Remedies, Products Not finished on time
            2.Limitation on Money Damages:
                        1.Reasonable Certanity
                        2.Duty to Mitigate
                        3.Forseeability (consequential damages):Hadley-Shaft Mill Case
10. Miscellaneous:
                        1. Franchises & K’s
                        2.Employment @ Will
                        3.Employmen:Shriley McLaine
#1 Checklist:
1. Thing to Ask yourself: Is this a Sale of good? If so, Art. 2
Movable GoodàUCC
2. If it is any kind of K: 3 Thigns: 1. Real Estate, 2. Employment, 3. IP, 4. LeaseàCommon Law
# 2Checklist: Statute of Frauds: Is this transaction within the Statute of Frauds and did they meet it?

re Manifestation of Commimtent ( work it in answer, that offer is manifestation of commitment): What are the specific issues:
            1. Watch for phrases that are unclear. 3 Magic Words in Exam pattern. If first communication contains anyone of these 3 words: 1. Fair, 2. Appropriate, 3. Reasonable, this is NOT an offer. Not sufficiently certain tfo manifest commitment. 4 Words- Offer: 1. Requirements, 2. All , 3. Only, 4. Solely (if you any of those wordsà offer) 
Special Rule of Offer: If we are talking ONLY about sale of Real Estate in the 1st communication it can not be an offer unless: 2 things: 1. Description of Real Estate, 2. Price
NOTE: There’s an Objective and Subjective Part of this: Objective- if you are in a restaurant and think the wine is free and drink it- Probably held to paying for the wine, bc reasonably lend itself that it’s not free. However, if 2 weirdos get married in front of friends to fool them and they are both (bride and groom) have no intention to marry-Probably Not Married-Subjective.
2nd Step: Look at Context of Offer. Was it in a bar setting or attorney office? Also, ADVERTISEMENTSàNOT OFFERS. DO NOT MISS ADVERTISEMENTS! Don’t be fooled by words like “offer” on advertisement; its still not an offer.
3 Things that can happen after Offer Made:
1. One of two guys dies. DEALS IS OFF!
2. Is Lapse of Time: There is Delay. You will be date offer made and when acceptance made. Watch for “Reasonable” time.