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Constitutional Law I
University of Texas Law School
Powe, Lucas A.

1765 – stamp act
1774 – first continental congress
1775 – Lexington/concord fighting, second continental congress
1776 – declaration of independence
1781 Articles of confederation. Continental Congress chartered Bank of NA, few members of congress probably disputed Madison’s assertion that it exceeded authority under Art of Conf, bank was justified by necessity in financing war for independence.
1787 Philly Constitutional Convention- Madison proposed congress be authorized to grant chargers of incorporation where national interest might require and states are incompetent. (objection:States will be prejudiced and divided into parties by it……concerns of NY and philly business that congress might charter a competing bank)
French revolution
Judiciary act
Bill of rights
1790- soon after constitution was ratified, Hamilton submitted plan for a national bank to be chartered by congress and owned by private shareholders. Bank would aid in collection of taxes/admin of public finances/loans to govt. Senate unanimously adopted proposal.
1791- Washington signs act incorporating bank
1793 – fugitive slave act
1795 – 11th amendment limits power of fed courts
quasi war with france, congress passed alien and sedition act(85) was passed in response to belief of pending war.
Calder v. bull – can’t take property from A and give it to B
Consider 9th amendment (p 151)
Kentucky/Virginia resolutions –response to alien

ana purchase
Stuart v. Laird
1804 – 12th amendment – separate election of prez and VP
1808 – African slave trade abolished
1809 – Madison becomes president
1810 – Fletcher vs Peck – fraudulent land sale case, protects property rights of good faith purchaser
1811- Bank Charter expires. Bank fails to be rechartered.
1812- fought war against Britain without bank
1814 – brown vs. US – declaration of war does not automatically confiscate property
1816- congress voted to establish second bank in response to turmoil from fighting war without bank, Madison signs bill eventually
1818- recession that deepened in 1819. South and west were hit especially hard. US bank started calling in loans. Some state banks became bankrupt.
Mcculloch v. Maryland. Maryland enacts law charging $15,000 fee to banks not chartered in Maryland(one of them!). Mcullough refuses to pay. Maryland wins in court, appealed to SCOTUS
Missouri compromise – MO was eventually admitted as a slave state, Maine free, and everything north of Arkansas would remain free
1823 – corfield v coryell –oyster case
1824- Gibbons v Ogden
1825 – the antelope
Jackson becomes president – nullification
Wilson v. black-bird creek marsh- recognized police power