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University of Michigan School of Law
Hershovitz, Scott

Prof. Scott Hershovitz
I.ย  Introduction
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
1.ย  2 stories of what tort law is about:
ยงย  Economic deterrence theory: tort law is trying to get people to behave in socially beneficial ways (Calabresi, Posner, Hand formula)
ยงย  Corrective justice theory: tort law is about relationship between plaintiff and defendant, what we are going to do as society in response to harm, and what P is going to do. More about one particular person in the way in which he/she is treated
2.ย  Doctrine of cheapest cost avoider (Calabresi):
ยงย  Should assign liability to cheapest cost avoider
ยงย  Required level of precaution should be proportional to the injury.
ยงย  In assigning, should consider who has best access to relevant information
ยงย  Question of how much the cost is, who can bear it most efficiently, are generally left to jury
ยงย  Criticisms:
ยงย  This doctrine doesn't track results very well, and doesn't track mode of decision making utilized by courts, as courts typically use morally oriented language
ยงย  Doctrine disfavored among judges
ยงย  Judge and jury usually won't have access to information needed to determine cheapest cost avoider
3.ย  Coase theorem:
ยงย  W/o transaction costs, efficient outcome brought about no matter where legal entitlement is, b/c people will bargain
ยงย  But w/transaction costs, don't necc. get efficient outcome, because of:
ยงย  Information costs – don't have enough info to make bargain, or don't estimate correctly
ยงย  Issues w/social norms – e.g., dock owner values enforecement of property rights more
ยงย  Distributional consequences
ยงย  Whether bargain reached is highly variable empirically
ยงย  Many people hold out, which is itself a transaction cost
ยงย  Economists want to allocate entitlement such that transaction costs minimized
ยงย  E.g., Vincent v. Lake Erie Transp. Co.
ยงย  w/o transaction costs, boat will stay regardless of whether it pays for loss.
ยงย  W/transaction costs, would assign legal liability to boat owner: has more information about potential damage to boat/cargo weighed against damage dock owner might suffer
II.ย ย ย  Negligence
A.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Definitions, injuries, prima facie case
1.ย  Definition:
ยงย  Failure to heed a duty of reas. care owed to another that causes injury to the other
ยงย  Misfeasance v. nonfeasance:
ยงย  Misfeasance: affirmative conduct that causes harm
ยงย  Nonfeasance: failure to act where action likely would have prevented injury
2.ย  Possible types of injuries:
ยงย  bodily harm
ยงย  harm to tangible property
ยงย  loss of wealth
ยงย  loss of consortium:
ยงย  e.g., emotional distress, loss of services, loss of ability to have sex
ยงย  Fails if tortfeasee's claim fails
ยงย  Loss of consortium claims for parent w/r/t injured/dead child
ยงย  Varies by state
ยงย  No claim at all
ยงย  No claim unless child dies
ยงย  Only compensated if child provided economic benefit
ยงย  Comparative fault of child can reduce parent's loss of consortium claim
ยงย  emotional distress
ยงย  assault
ยงย  battery
3.ย  Prima facie case needed for recovery for negligence:
ยงย  A defendant is ordinarily liable for negligence if a plaintiff suffered an injury, the defendant owed a duty to class of persons that includes the plaintiff to take reasonable care not to cause injury of the kind suffered by the plaintiff, the defendant breached that duty, and the defendant's carenessness was an actual and proximate cause of the injury suffered by the plaintiff.
ยงย  Duty: An actor has an unqualified duty to take reas. care not to cause reasonably foreseeable injury to another
ยงย  Breach: Breach is established when conduct of a defendant is not reasonably careful in comparison to how an ordinary person, acting reasonably, would behave under the circumstances
ยงย  Actual causation: Actual causation is established if it is more probable than not that a defendant's carelessness caused injury to a plaintiff.
ยงย  Proximate causation: The proximate causation requirement is satisfied, under the Wagon Mound standard used by most courts, if the harm suffered by the plaintiff was reasonably foreseeable at the time of D's negligent conduct.
ยงย  Juries, rather than judges, generally decide neg.
ยงย  Some exceptions (e.g., Walter)
B.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Duty
1.ย  Overview and history of duty:
ยงย  Duty is question of law
ยงย  Old English CL:
ยงย  duties based on well-defined roles and relationships
ยงย  Some exceptions in which duties attached in the absence of preexisting relationships, where P carelessly pursued affirmative course of conduct that directly caused P physical harm [e.g., Weav

have duty to take reas. care in effecting it
ยงย  Special relationship
ยงย  Duty attaches b/c of pre-existing relationship between victim and would-be rescuer
ยงย  Widely recognized special relationships:
ยงย  carrier-passer
ยงย  person in possession of property (owner, tenant, APer) – invitee/licensee/trespasser
ยงย  includes duty to protect from 3rd party misconduct, and to keep premises reasonably safe (varies depending on status of 2nd party)
ยงย  medical professionals (non-psychiatrist):
ยงย  To parients
ยงย  Reporting contagious diseases:
ยงย  To state agencies (most states, by statute)
ยงย  To family members, significant others of patient that patient is infected and/or the circumstances of his infection (e.g., ticks) (some cts at CL)
ยงย  psychiatrist-patient [Tarasoff] ยงย  Standard: has to be threat to identifiable person, has to be reas. specific, therapist must exercise reas. care (majority rule)
ยงย  vary as to required degree of knowledge on part of mental health provider as to risk of danger, target of danger
ยงย  Cal. declined to extend Tarasoff to similar circumstances involving clergy, employer, business partner
ยงย  innkeeper-lodger
ยงย  vet-pet
ยงย  commercial sellers of alcohol – customers (dram shop laws)
ยงย  Social hosts where alcohol served:
ยงย  for minors
ยงย  for visibly intoxicate people (some cts)
ยงย  not for others [Graff] ยงย  Dog owners-others that encounter dog
ยงย  CL rule for dogs: once you are on notice that your dog bites people (after a bite), then are strictly liable for subsequent bites
ยงย  Rationale for these special relationships: Have undertaken to be careful for benefit of other persons
ยงย  Special relationships recognized in many places:
ยงย  school-student
ยงย  employer-employee
ยงย  hospital-patient
ยงย  prison-prisoner
ยงย  babysitter-brat
established friendship (“wingman liability” (Farwell) – is outlier)