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Civil Procedure I
University of Michigan School of Law
Croley, Steven P.

Structure of Judicial System
2 judicial systems (federal and state)
o       Federal Court
§        Court of specific jurisdiction
·        Doesn’t have jurisdiction unless there is a specific judicial provision to hear the case
·        Fed court can refuse to hear cases even if there is a federal question
o       Federal question jurisdiction – question of federal law
§         Supplemental jurisdiction: can answer questions of state law if there is also a federal question
o       Diversity jurisdiction – parties aren’t from the same state
§         historical justification
·        worried about judges favoring litigants from their home state
o       State court
§        Court of general jurisdiction
·        Default in state system is that state court has jurisdiction unless there is a specific legal reason
§        99% of civil litigation is in state court
§        Federal judiciary is bigger than any individual state judiciary
§        Ex. Michigan
·        7 Superior Court judges
·        28 appellate court judges (1 court of appeals and 3 divisions)
·        Several dozen trial court judges
Hierarchy of Courts
o       Supreme Court
§        Federal
·        9 justices
o       Final decision on judicial questions
o       Appeals Court
§        Federal
·        13 courts of appeals
o       11 geographically (incl. Washington DC)
§         DC circuit (appeals coming out of government agencies)
§         Special circuit (also in DC) for specific topics: intellectual property, tax, etc.
§         Roughly 12 judges/circuit = approx. 150 judges total
·        Circuits aren’t bound by each other’s decisions
o       Trial Court
§        Federal
·        94 (5 in US territories)
·        States divided by population into districts
o       Judges appointed for life by President and confirmed by Senate
§         Roughly 10 judges/district = approx. 900 total
§         After certain age or tenure, judge takes senior status
·        Has decreased case load and less clerks
o       Specialty Courts: tax, bankruptcy, probate, family

ges are administrative law judges (used to be hearing examiners)
o       Decide cases such as social security
o       Decisions are reviewable by the federal trial court
§         à trial courts can act as courts of appeal
o       Military
§        Has its own separate judicial structure
o       Judicial Conference of the US
§        Created and funded by Congress
§        Composed of all trial court judges
§        Prestigious body with substantive committees
·        Gives recommendations on the # of judges or changes on federal rules
o       “create” the federal rules of civil procedure
o       Clerks
§        Clerk of the court
·        Officer of the court
·        Career bureaucrat
·        Communication of the court to the outside world
o       Ex. Pleadings are mailed to court of the clerk
§        Law clerk