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Business Associations/Corporations
University of Michigan School of Law
Pritchard, Adam C.

            (a) Formation:
(1)   Scope à general v. special
(2)   Disclosure to T (by P) à disclosed v. undisclosed v. partially disclosed
(3)   Right to Control A à employee/servant v. independent contractor
(b) Definition (§1.01) (to establish Agency (P liability for A actions to T):
MUTUAL ASSENT               +          BENEFIT       +          CONTROL
(c) Contract Liability(A binds P to liability by acting w/ “authority”:
(1)   Authority  (A power to bind P > A authority to bind P)à
(a)   ACTUAL (P manifests consent to A; A power to bind P)
i.                    Express
ii.                  Implied (custom OR incidental acts)
(b)   APPARENT (P manifests consent to T OR has notice)
i.                    Express (P tells T)
ii.                  Implied (context; custom; employment)
a.       Estoppel (no manifestation; P knowledge + T reliance)
b.      Inherent
1. Undisclosed P (custom + for P benefit) (manager)
      2. Disclosed P (custom + for P + T reasonable belief)
(d) Tort Liability (respondeat superior if employee w/in scope of duty):
(1)   Agency Relationship b/t P and A? (assent/benefit/control)
(2)   Control: A servant/Employee OR independent contractor? (must be servant)
a.      Employee Agent à P controls A (P liable if A w/in scope of job)
b.      Independent Contractor à P has less control over A
i.                    agent: P limited control; A acts for P (liability rare)
ii.                  nonagent: P less control; A doesn’t act for P (no liability)
(3)   Scope: if servant, act w/in scope of employment?
(B.) FIDUCIARY DUTY (A must advance P purpose)
      (a) Duty of Care (§8.08)
(a)   Standard Care (good faith/reasonable/informed)
(b)   Standard Skill (based on occupation and locale)
(c)    Special Skill
(d)   Corollary Duties (scope; by instruction; reasonable; give info.)
     (b) Duty of Loyalty (§8.01,3,6) (selfless (for P) AND protective (of P);
(a)   Compensation (consent; no kickbacks; no compete; confidentiality)
(b)   Adverse (A can act for/as adverse to P w/consent, GF, disclosure)
(c)    Competition (A may prepare to compete; confidentiality);
(d)   Recovery (P entitl

= no duty / corp. opportunity = duty)
ii.                  self-dealing (partner can’t be on both sides of trans.)
iii.                competition (duty not to compete before dissolution)
(b)   CARE
i.                    simple negligence (partnership not liable)
ii.                  gross negligence/reckless/intent/knowledge (pship liable)
(c)    CONTRACT / DEFAULT RULES (b/tw partners)
i.                    Loyalty (partners can k for acceptable activities (reasonable)
ii.                  Care (partners may not unreasonably reduce pship by k)
iii.                CAN’T contract out of fiduc. duty of loyalty (§103(b) (see i)
iv.                CAN k for specifics (reduce fiduc. duty to encourage pships)
v.                  Default (disclose to partner; allow competition for corp. opp.)
vi.                NO violation of duty for acting in own interest