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Constitutional Law I
University of Florida School of Law
Baldwin, Fletcher N.



The framers decision to focus on the rights and limits of government

They were suspicious of government and did not want government

It could be said that the right to privacy was implicit


Focus of this class:

We are going to be looking at the words, not intent of the drafters. No one can really know judicial intent, but we do know what they meant by using dictionaries.

With such a short document, each word is very important

You can get a feel for why the Court took the case when they did

The most important component of the preamble is that it was not a self executing document

For a rule of law you have to have a rule of powers with a judiciary free from political and personal persuasion


Federalism: meaning the federal and state governments co-exist

Limited enumerated powers: the powers of the federal government are limited to those that are enumerated in the Constitution

Separation of powers: one branch may not take actions reserved by the Constitution to one of the other branches

Congress commerce power: the most important power that congress has is to regulate commerce

Dormant Commerce Clause: the mere existence of the federal commerce power restricts the states from unduly burdening interstate commerce

Due Process Clause: two effects

Substantive due process: limits the substantive power of the government to regulate certain areas of human life (child bearing)

Procedural due process: imposes certain procedural requirements on government when it takes an individual’s life, liberty, or property (before taking away welfare, must give you a hearing)

Equal Protection Clause: prevents government from making certain classifications (racial segregation)

Freedom of Expression: protects speech against government interference

Including: political protests, press, association with whomever you wish

Freedom of Religion: two distinctions

Establishment clause: prevents government from establishing an official religion meaning endorse or support

Free exercise clause: prevents outl

the laws and treaties of the constitution of the US would be different in each state.

Cohen v Virginia:

Affirmed the SC authority to take on state criminal appellate cases. State courts cannot be trusted to adequately protect federal rights because “in many states judges are dependant for office and for salary on the will of the legislature.”

Cooper v Aaron:

Federal courts also have the authority to review the constitutionality of state laws and the actions of state officials. The Constitution affirms itself as the “supreme law of the land” and Marbury established the SC is supreme in the exposition of the Constitution.


Standing: determines who is the proper litigant

Constitutional standing requirements:

Injury-plaintiff must allege that he has suffered or imminently will suffer an injury