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Land Use Planning
University of Denver School of Law
Ragonetti, Thomas J.

Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty
–          comprehensive zoning that controls uses of land is CONSTITUTIONAL
–          OK for cities to use police power to plan for future and promote general welfare
–          Private property rights subject to government regulation and planning
Traditional Euclidean Zoning:
–          What it is:
o   Comprehensive plan, then develop zoning map, zoning code (Map and Code become the law)
o   Carves up community into zoning districts—commercial, residential, industrial…
§ Number of zones is unlimited!!
o   Separates different (incompatible?) land uses
§ Regulates USES not ownership
–          Purposes of Zoning: Use of police powerà to protect health, safety, morals
o   Protect Property Values
§ Makes affordable housing ILLEGAL- keeps out the poor people (zoning out he “riff raff”)
§ Theory is that buyers will not pay as much for a house if the neighbors have a bass boat in the driveway and a tent on the lawn
§ SCOTUS has constitutionalized class exclusion here—“Character of the Neighborhood”
o   Traffic Safety
o   Increase Tax Base
§ Zoning and rezoning to encourage COMMERCIAL uses
o   Promote Public Morality
§ Ex: liquor stores and porn theaters have to be a certain distance from churches and schools
–          CAN’T USE ZONING TO:
o   Regulate OWNER of the land (only USES of the land)
o   Depress market value prior to appropriation- can’t downzone to lower the cost to the city to pay just compensation
o   Grant Economic Favors—has to further GENERAL WELFARE
o   Euclidean Zoning was supposed to be a static system—but this is NOT realistic!! Change is inevitable… SO:
·         Rezoning
·         Variances
·         Special Permits
§ Allowed Uses
§ Accessory Uses
§ Specially Permitted Uses
Framework of Traditional Euclidean Zoning:
–          city council can adopt plan, zoning map breaks this down into districts, zoning code sets regulations for use of land within that district
–          Planning Commission- holds hearings on proposed rezonings and applications for subdivision
o   May make final decisions on subdivision applications (can be appealed to Ct of general jurisdiction)
–          Board of Zoning Appeals- once a decision is made by these guys, you can sue them in court
height, bulk & setback restrictions
flexibility & conditional zoning
Planned Unit Developments
Traditional Euclidean Zoning
Modern Zoning Codes
–          promote and protect low-density detached single-family homes
–          separation of different uses
–          Protect residential neighborhoods!
–          Revitalize Urban Core Areas
–          Address Traffic and environmental issues related to sprawl
Impact Analysis
Growth management
Economic Development
What KIND of development do you want?
How much development do you want?
How fast?
Infrastructure: water, sewers, electricity
Regional Concerns
Ultimately: ALL of these concerns are REGIONAL CONCERNS
Urban Sprawl
–          2 ways to grow- up or outà sprawl is growing OUT (this is what we do here in the US)
o   Further and further away from the urban core, characterized by low-density single-family development
o   Dynamic of sprawlàurban footprint grows at FIVE TIMES the rate of population growth
–          Dominance of automobile has created “hypersprawl”
–          “Pod Development”
Causes of Sprawl:
Costs of Sprawl
Private Market Demand
–          Americans prefer to live in single-family homes with yardà America= rich society: we can afford to live in the ‘burbs!
–          Cheap land in the ‘burbs, cheap bldg materials
Public Policies and Subsidies
–          tax breaks for mortgage payments, protect capital gains on home sale profits
–          VA, FHA mortgage loan guarantees that stimulate availability of financing
–          Fed Reserve: function= keep economy going—econ supported by resid. construction and sprawl!
Local Tax & Fiscal Policies
–          residential real estate taxes don’t pay for the needs of the people who live there- the more people a city has, the faster it will go bankrupt!
–          SO- cities downzone the people out to get more tax revenues from commercial zoning—BUT people have to go somewhere… they go further out!
Road Improvements
–          better roads create an incentive to live further and further out—facilitates sprawl
–          London’s sprawl control= no more $ for roads
–          US spends $200M a day on rd constr. & maint!!
Local Zoning Controls
–          Euclidean zoning requires sprawl: zoning low density means only a certain number of people can live there and that high density uses are ILLEGAL- zoning low density pushes people further from urban core (more people… and they have to live somewhere!)
–          Separation of Uses: uses are so separated that you have to get in your car to go anywhere, end product is rampant sprawl
Local Growth Management
–          If you control development in your town/city/neighborhood (ex: Boulder) promotes sprawl because that development WILL GO FURTHER OU

ng, has to build something else too
–          usually there is a schedule of impact fees or dedication based on the linkage (ex: if you’re building a residential neighborhood, have to build the roads to get there)
–          exaction has to be linked to the problem the developer is creating
–          put conditions on the development to mitigate the problem
Mitigationà if a developer who will cause adverse environmental impact, he is required to counterbalance it by providing equivalent benefit (ex: if destroying a wetland, have to create a wetland somewhere else)
power of local govts to establish growth mgmt programs
–          const limits
Regional Planning
–          this is the only logical way to do growth management, but almost no one does it!! 9only Portland, and even their “boundary” doesn’t seem truly serious
–          can achieve this only through intergovernmental agreements—have to have cooperation (see Ft. Collins)
Moratoria & Interim controls
–          Tahoe-Sierra case—interim moratorium was NOT a taking!
o   Not a taking as long as it’s TEMPORARY—even in Tahoe-Sierra (where the moratorium was for over 2 years) it was considered “temporary”
Exclusionary Zoning
Exclusionary Zoning: LULUs (Locally Unwanted Land Uses)
–          implemented to increase or preserve property values!
–          BUT—can’t zone LULUS out entirely, can’t discriminate against the poor
Impediments to Exclusionary Zoning:
o   Any federal instrumentality’s land will be absolutely immune from local and state regulation (parks service, post offices…)
§ BUT- some statutes say that the parcel will be subject to local zoning or that deference will be paid to local zoning—we will ALLOW local zoning
–          STATE PREEMPTION: may preempt local zoning!!
o   If state statute says you’re subject to local zoning, then you’re subject to local zoning
o   State Land Uses:
§ State prisons, uses by state instrumentality (office building for part of state govt)
o   State Constitution
§ 1st Amend
§ Due Process
o   State Statutes