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Environmental Law
University of Baltimore School of Law
Davison, Steven AG

Environmental Law Answers Outline Checklist
Apply facts to the framework
I.                    NEPA
a.       Procedural and not substantive
b.      Section 102(2)(c)
c.       Goal/Requires
                                                               i.       Federal Agencies
1.       Or any action by a private individual, corporation, or state or local government if it requires
a.       Federal license/permit or
b.      Federal money to complete
                                                                                                                                     a.      Only the parts of the project that use federal $ are subject to NEPA
                                                             ii.      To seriously look at environmental impacts
                                                            iii.      To prepare EIS
                                                           iv.      For any proposed (not merely contemplated)
                                                             v.      Major
1.       Considering cost, planning, time
                                                           vi.      Federal action
1.       Must be federal
2.       Agency must have discretion as to how to act
3.       Must be a future action
4.       Includes modifications
                                                          vii.      Affecting quality of human environment
1.       Must be significant
a.       To be significant it can include
                                                                                                                                     a.      Recreational
                                                                                                                                    b.      Economic
                                                                                                                                     c.      Aesthetic alone is usually not enough
2.       Must have changes to the physical environment
3.       These changes must (significantly) affect humans
4.       In considering the effects:
a.       Beneficial effects considered
b.      Negative effects considered
c.       Direct effects
d.      Indirect effects
                                                                                                                                     a.      i.e. those that are FORESEEABLE (like effects of nearby development that this action would encourage)
                                                                                                                                    b.      Noise
                                                                                                                                     c.      Air pollution
e.      Cumulative effects
                                                                                                                                     a.      From the proposal and others existing
                                                        viii.      Mitigating measures can be considered
1.       Can allow conclusion that there will be no significant effects
2.       NEPA does not require agencies to adopt mitigating measures
                                                           ix.      Socioeconomic impacts may not be considered
d.      Unless
                                                               i.      FONSI
1.       Found if no proposed or planned major federal action or
2.       Finding of no significant impact on human environment
                                                             ii.      FONSI decision subject to judicial review
                                                            iii.      Arbitrary and capricious standard – explain what this is
e.      EIS
                                                               i.      Prepared as part of the evaluation process
                                                             ii.      Types that can be required
1.       Regional
a.       If project extends into large areas
b.      Can be for entire project or not
2.       Site specific
a.       Always required
b.      Agency to publish cumulative effects related to the proposal (?)
3.       National programmic
a.       If entire nation affected
                                                            iii.      Three factors the EIS must consider
1.       The environmental impacts of the project
a.       Remote or speculative impacts need not be considered
2.       Reasonable alternatives must be considered
a.       Even if EIS not required
b.      NEPA does not force their adoption
3.       Mitigating measures must be considered
a.       NEPA does not force their adoption
                                                           iv.      Process for publishing EIS
1.       Draft EIS which includes
a.       environmental impacts of proposed regulation (that are not too speculative or remote)
b.      Reasonable alternatives
c.       Worst case scenario does not need to be included
d.      Mitigating measures (see iii above)
2.       Draft open for notice and comment
f.        Failure to meet NEPA requirements
                                                               i.      May r

                                                                                             b.      Redeposited
                                                                                                                                     c.      There is a rebuttable presumption that mechanized land clearing in US waters results in discharge of dredged material
5.       Into navigable waters
6.       Of the US
7.       And some protected wetlands
a.       Give corps definition of wetland
b.      3 requirements to be a protected wetland
                                                                                                                                     a.      Must be hydric soil (with oxygen) with flood control capabilities
                                                                                                                                    b.      Must be aquatic hydrophytic vegetation – adapted for life in saturated soil conditions
                                                                                                                                     c.      Hydrology – covered with water year round?
c.       Protected wetlands types: Must fit within a recognized category of wetland
                                                                                                                                     a.      Tidal wetlands
                                                                                                                                    b.      Interstate wetlands
                                                                                                                                     c.      Wetlands whose use, degradation, or destruction could affect interstate commerce or foreign commerce
                                                                                                                                    d.      Adjacent wetlands,
1.       traditionally defined by the corp as those bordering/contiguous/neighboring US waters OR
2.       those abutting with a surface connection to US waters