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International Business Transactions
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Tiefenbrun, Susan W.

[A] Who are the Foreign Traders?
·         Smaller Traders: … Dealers
o        Individual
o        Partnerships
o        Incorporated Businesses
·         “Multinational” or “Transactional” Corporations – Large corporations whom engage in extensive international trade.
·         Government = the 3rd party establishing and regulation framework within which trade & investment transpires … Regulates Trades Through:
o        Legislation
o        Administrative Regulations
[B] Nonmarket Economies & State Training Organizations
·         Nonmarket Economies – have diminished their dependency on strict central planning of all productions
o        These nations are known as = “nations in transition”
§         China
§         Russia
o        Are Communist/ Socialist countries = Cuba, North Korea
[C] Dependent, Developing and Advanced Developing Countries. – The new international Economic Order and a law of Development  
·         Developing Nations – describes all nations which are less then developed … but there are many variations in the level of development among these developing countries:
o        Those which have achieved substantial development = ADC “Advanced Developing Countries” … or … NIC “Newly Industrialized Countries”
o        Variant levels are important because when a developing country reaches a certain level of development = they receive a tariff reduction 
[D] International Economic Institutions
·         International Organizations – have an important role as well
o        Important Source of the development of international legal rules
·         United Nations
o        International Court of Justice – establish norms of international law
o        UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
§         Promotes world trade
§         Seeks Multilateral trade agreements
§          Harmonizes trade and development policies 
o        UNCITRAL = United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
o        UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization
§         Provides advisory & Technical aid to industries in low income countries
·         International Organizations which evolved form the Bretton Wood Conference
o        IMF = International Monetary Fund
§         Lender of Last Resort to numerous developing nations unable to service their forign debts
o        GATT = General Agreement Tariffs and Trade
§         Goal eliminate the nontariff barriers
§         Major source of international trade law for major trading nations 
[E] The Role of Counsel in International Business
·         Int

s govern the contract?
o        Is there a Treaty or multilateral convention applicable?
·         SOLUTIONS offered by the International Trading Community
(1)    Assign foreseeable risks of the transation as clearly as possible in the contracts involved à To do this it has developed a special language of commercial terms
(2)    Avoid large and uncertain risks by creating devices which break them down into many small and measurable risks
o        EX: The letter of Credit – device to assure that seller will be paid upon shipment of the goods. 
[How is a Documentary Sale Set Up by the Parties?] 2.      The Sales Contract
a.       Forms 1-3 used by parties to form the sales contract
·         Form 1 = Letter sent from Buyer to Seller requesting a price quotation
·         Form 2 = Proforma Invoice – Sellers response
o        Includes pricing options/packages
o        May include costs with shipping … depending on which pricing term the contract is using
·         Form 3 = Buyer sends – Purchase order
This duplicates the pricing in the Proforma Invoice