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Administrative Law
St. Louis University School of Law
Williams, Douglas R.

Administrative Law Williams Summer 2014

Efforts to create a uniform set of administrative procedures or provisions for judicial review of agency action – 1946 Administrative Procedure Act (APA)

What is an administrative agency: Score of the APA

· APA 551(1): each authority of the Government of the United States

· But NOT

o Congress

o Article III courts

o The President

Why are agencies created?

· Two basic orientations

o Public Interest Explanations

o Public Choice Explanations

Public Interest Explanations for Regulation: “Market Failures”

· Natural monopolies

· Provision of Public Goods

· Prevent Spillovers or “Externalities”

· Address Asymmetrical Access to Information

· Redistributive or Paternalistic Goals

Regulation by Agencies

· Neutral Application of Expertise

· Efficiency

· Flexibility Needed to Respond to the Complexity and Dynamic Character of the Marketplace

Public Choice Explanations

· Legislators respond to “special interests” in an effort to maximize electoral prospects

· “Capture” Theory

· Agencies are a device to gain acclaim for legislators and to deflect blame

The OSH Act: Institutional Architecture

· Secretary of Labor: Through OSHA, exercises Rule-Making and Enforcement Functions

· OSHRC: adjudicative power over enforcement actions initiated by OSHA

· NIOSH: Research

Authorization: The Delegation Problem

· Art I, §1 vests “all legislative power” in Congress

· The “non-delegation doctrine”: Congress may not delegate “legislative” power to another entity

Functions of Non-Delegation Doctrine

· Accountability: Ensure elected officials make basic policy choices, so preferences of electorate matter

· Control of Agency Discretion

· Permit meaningful judicial review of agency action

Rulemaking v. Legislative Power

· Rulemaking must be pursuant to legislative authorization (no inherent rulemaking authority)

· Legislative Authorization must include an ascertainable “intelligible principle” that limits agency’s discretion

· Are there distinctions adequate to meet the functional concerns behind the doctrine?

The only cases in which Court found laws unconstitutional under Non-Delegation Doctrine

· Panama Refining Co. v. Ryan

· Schechter Poultry v. US

Whitman v. American Trucking

· The delegation: CAA authorizes EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

· Legislation says that NAAQS must be requisite to protect the public health and welfare with an ample margin of safety

· Court of Appeals: CAA violates the non-delegation doctrine because it lacks determinate criteria that EPA must satisfy in promulgating NAAQS

· Rule was remanded back to EPA to establish a determinate criteria

Whitman in the SCOTUS

· Bottom Line: In the absence of an extreme circumstance, the chances of prevailing on a non-delegation challenge in the Supreme Court is incredibly low

· Reaffirms “intelligible principle” test, rejects determinate criteria

· Rejects idea that agency itself can cure non-delegation problem by limiting its own discretion

· CAA standard is an intelligible principle

· Deference to legislative judgment” We have almost never felt qualified to second guess Congress about how much discretion to vest in an agency

Policy Formation by Agencies: The Choice between Rulemaking and Adjudication

General Overview

· Deference given to Congress under the non-delegation doctrine means that agencies typically enjoy a significant amount of policy making discretion

· Two methods agencies use to make policy

o Case-by-case adjudication (analogous to common law)

o Rules (analogous to legislation)

o A variety of informal methods, such as guidance, handbooks, memoranda of understanding

Sources of Procedural Constraints on Policy-Making Methods

· Constitutional Requirements of Due Process

· The Enabling Act

· Agency Rules of Procedure

· APA (Administrative Procedure Act)

· Federal Court decisions

Procedural Due Process

· 5th amend applies to federal agencies; 14th amend applies to state and local agencies.

· The requirement of the amendments are the same

· When is Due Process required?

o When federal or state government deprives an individual of life, liberty, property

· Limited, if any, applications to rule making

· In adjudication, basic elements of due process are notice and opportunity to be heard


decisions may be limited or overruled in the face of unique, unusual, or changed circumstances

Policymaking by Order and the Choice Between Rulemaking and Adjudication

Making Policy Case by Case: The Adjudicative Model and the NLRB

· NLRB administers the National Labor Relations Act

· NLRA protects employees efforts to organize and bargain collectively with employers

· NLRB is charged with duty to direct and election by secret ballot and certify the results

· But how should elections be conducted? What rules govern the campaigns?

· NLRB could promulgate election rules

o Authorized under Section 6

· NLRB has not done this. Instead it adjudicated disputes about the conduct of elections and adopts standards in the process

o Also authorized to do so

Excelsior Underwear: Demonstrating the Adjudication Model

· Challenge to company’s refusal to supply campaigning union with list of employee’s addresses.

· No NLRB precedent at this time

· NLRB notes that rules are not fixed and immutable, endorses higher standard of disclosure

· New disclosure rule is to be applied only prospectively

· 30-day delay to ensure that all parties are fully aware of their rights and obligations

Challenging the Adjudication Model: NLRB v. Wyman-Gordon

· Wyman-Gordon refuses to supply Excelsior list

· Board orders production and seeks judicial enforcement

· Wyman-Gordon defends on grounds that Excelsior rule is invalid

o NLRB did not follow rulemaking procedures

· Plurality concludes that Excelsior is not a valid rule, in the sense that they must, without more, be obeyed by the affected public

· What is the “more” the Court has in mind?

· Excelsior was adopted as a legitimate incident to the adjudication of a specific case and proper adjudicative procedures were followed