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Civil Procedure I
South Texas College of Law Houston
Rensberger, Jeffrey L.

            A.  Generally = A ct. must have the power to subject the D to personal liability.
            B.  Long Arm Statute = for contacts based JRD, the forum must first have a long-arm            statute so that the forum may issue a judgment against a non-resident D.
                        1.  Generally = is a statute that permits the ct. of a state to obtain personal                             JRD over persons not physically present within the state at the time of                               service.
            C.  Transient Jurisdiction = Ct. has JRD if D is served w/ process while he is   physically present in forum state, whether he is a resident or not
                        1.  Scalia opinion in Burnham = Ct. has JRD b/c it is traditional, i.e. in the                                 tradition of Pennoyer         
                        2.  Brennan opinion in Burnham = Ct. has JRD b/c it is fair
            D.  Domicile = Ct. has JRD by virtue of the D being domiciled in forum state
                        1.  Corporations = is domiciled in its state of incorp. and “nerve center”  
                        2.  Individuals = are domiciled in state if:
                                    a.  He/she is physically present within that state; and
                                    b. Has the intention to remain indefinitely
            E.  Consent to be sued within forum state
                        1.  JRD may be exercised over D if D consents, either explicitly or                                            implicitly, to service
                                    a.  Implicit = Non-resident motorist consents to service of process
                                    b.  Explicit = def. appoints a registered agent in the state or signs a                                          contract w/ a forum selection clause (must be reasonable)
            F.  Contacts based JRD
                        1.  General contacts based JRD = D may be sued on a claim even though                                 D’s contacts with the forum are unrelated to the claim
                                    a.  Helicopteros = in order to establish general contacts based JRD                                           D’s contacts with the forum state must be “systematic and                                                         continuous”—“tantamount to home.”
                        2.  Specific contacts based JRD = D’s contacts w/ the forum                                                       are related to the subject matter of the suit; usually a ct will have JRD if D                                     voluntarily sought to do business in the forum.
                                    a.  International Shoe = D must have certain minimum contacts w/ the                                                forum such that the maintenance of the suit does not offend                                                     traditional notions of fairness and substantial justice.
                                                i.  Hiring employees in the forum = minimum contacts.
                                    b.  McGee = Minimum contacts will exist if D sends an insurance policy                                                contract to forum state and P signs the contract and mails premiums                                      to D in another state.
                                    c.  Woodson = D needs to purposefully avail, or target the forum;                                             unilateral activity by the P or mere awareness by D that the stream of                                                commerce will convey goods to forum is not enough.  
                                                i.  Mere awareness plus a high amount of contacts, e.g. sales,                                                     will be enough, but probably only if the burden on D is not                                                       unreasonable.
                                    d.  Asahi = Brennan is okay w/ awareness that stream will convey                                            products to the forum, while O’Connor requires an intent to target the                                               forumàbut considerations of fair play militate against JRD.
                                    e.  Nicastro = Kennedy requires awareness + targeting of the specific                                      forum state (targeting US as a whole is not enough), while Breyer                                           requires awareness + high volume of sales or a high-risk product.
                                    f.   Five ways to “purposefully avail:”
                                                (1) Designing the product for the forum state;
                                                (2) Marketing the product or reaching out to or soliciting in the                                               forum state;
                                                (3) Signing deals with forum specific distributors;
                                                (4) Establishing channels for providing regular customer                                                          advice in the forum state; or
                                                (5) Purposefully attempting to serve the market of the forum                                                   (awareness + test)               
                                    g.  Burger King = Contracts w/ forum may indicate minimum                                                    contacts & the ct. will consider past negotiations as well as future                                            performance 
                                                i.  Reasonable anticipation test = if D could reasonably                                                               anticipate being required to litigate in the forum, then that will                                                             be enough.    
                                    h.  Calder = Cause and effect testà D purposefully availed himself of                                       the forum state if he knew or should have known that the brunt of the                                               injury would be felt in the forum                           
                                    i.  Shaffer = no “quasi in rem” JRD w/o first establishing minimum                                            contacts
                        3.  Role of fair playàfour fair play factors should be added at the end of                               minimum contacts analysis:
                                    (1).  Burden on the D = distance, language barrier, or different legal                                       system
                                    (2).  Interests of the forum = the forum has an obligation to provide a                                                remedy to P if P is resident of the forum    
                                    (3).  Forum as the natural venue = is the forum the most convenient                                       venue for a

enses later incurred of making service + attorney fees.  
                                    a.  If D waives then D gets 60 days to file an answer but if D doesn’t                                        waive then he only has 21 days to file an answer.     
            C.  Rule 4(c)(2) = an individual over 18 and not a party in the suit may serve the      summons and complaint.
            D.  Rule 4(e): Serving an individual within a judicial dist. of the US
                        1.  An individual (not a minor/incompetent) may be served in US by:
                                    a.  Following state law for serving summons in an action brought in cts                                  of general JRD in (1) either the state where the dist ct. is located or                                         (2) where service is made.  (Two options = 1. where filed or 2. where                                           service is made); or
                        2.  By doing any of the following:
                                    (1) Delivering a copy of the complaint and summons to the indiv.                                            Personally;
                                    (2) Leaving a copy of each at the individual’s dwelling or usually place                                               of abode with someone of suitable age and discretion; or
                                    (3) Delivering a copy of each to an agent authorized by appt or by law                                               to receive service of process.
            E.  Rule 4(f) = serving an individual in a foreign country = service may be effected in           any manner, internationally agreed upon, which is reasonably calculated to give notice.  If no agreement exists, then local rules will apply.
            F.  Rule 4(h) = service on corps and assoc.
                        1.  Inside the US = must be accomplished by delivering SOP to an officer,                                managing agent, general agent, or registered agent.
                        2.  Outside the US = same method required for individuals outside the US
            G.  False Service = strong and convincing evidence that service occurred in an          improper manneràburden is on the D.
            H.  Rule 4(m) = If D is not served within 120 days of filing, the ct. must dismiss the   action w/o prejudice, unless the P shows “good cause” for delay.
            I.  Immunity from Service = common law rule granting immunity to non-resident      witnesses, jurors, ct. officials, attorneys, defendants in criminal cases, and foreign            nationals in the US for the purposes of attending a UN conference.
            J.  Fraudulent Inducement = “Service…having been procured by trickery, deceit, and             subterfuge…is null and void”à(Tickle v. Barton)
            K.  D’s Opportunity to be Heard