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Civil Procedure I
Faulkner Law - Thomas Goode Jones School of Law
Vega, Matt A.

Professor Vega, Civ. Pro. I, Fall 2009


A. Where Can the Suit Be Brought?

1. Four elements that allow a court to hear a case and claim proper jurisdiction:

v Subject Matter Jurisdiction—gives a court legal authority to hear and to decide a particular type of controversy/claim

i. RULE 12(b)(1)—defense of lack of SMJ. CAN BE RAISED AT ANY TIME, EVEN ON APPEAL.

ii. RULE 12(h)(3)—if a court determines at any time that it lacks SMJ, they must dismiss!

iii. Federal Question

· State Courts have General Jurisdiction– allowed to hear any type of case unless that type of case is prohibited under authority

· Federal Courts have Limited Jurisdiction—not allowed to hear a case unless that type of case is allowed under authority

o Title 28 U.S.C. §1331 gives federal courts original jurisdiction of all civil actions arising under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States

iv. Diversity Jurisdiction

· 28 U.S.C. §1332

· Allows federal courts to hear certain actions between people who live in different places

· There must be (1) complete diversity and (2) a claim for greater than $75,000.00

o Complete diversity means that every ∏ is diverse from every ∆

v Personal Jurisdiction—RULE 12(b)(2)—the authority of the court to hear a claim against a particular person and render a binding judgment against them. IF YOU DO NOT ASSERT THIS AS A DEFENSE IN THE RESPONSE, YOU WAIVE!

i. Usually the court need only be concerned about the personal jurisdiction over the ∆

ii. Challenges must be raised early, or they will be waived

iii. 4 ways to establish:

· Presence—if ∆ voluntarily appears or is served by the state

· Status—status of residency

· Consent—given through contract, agents, etc.

· Domicile—where you are living and intend to remain and need not be the same as one’s current residence; corporations are domiciled in their state of incorporation and principle place of business

iv. Service of process is necessary or the ∆’s due process will be violated—must SERVE the summons and a copy of the complaint to ∆

· RULE 4(d)–∆ can waive service of a summons

o (1)—must be in writing, addressed, have name of court, copy of complaint, state date and must give ∆ a reasonable time of at least 30 days to return the waiver (or 60 if not in US)

· RULE 4(m)—time limit—if ∆ not served within 120 days, the court must dismiss the action


i. The geographic location of an action within a jurisdiction; a question of convenience of location, not power of authority.

ii. These rules attempt to allocate cases within a judicial system, federal or state, in a manner that is convenient for the parties, witnesses, and the court.

v Supplemental Jurisdiction

i. Possible only when at least one claim independently qualifies for federal subject matter jurisdiction

2. Service

v Must give notice of process!

i. RULE 3—action starts by filing a complaint with the court

ii. RULE 4–anyone that is over 18 years of age may serve the document

iii. RULE 5

· If service is mailed, three extra days are added onto the time span

· (b) Hand it to person, leave it, mail it to last known address, leave it with court clerk

iv. RULE 12(b)(4)—defense of insufficient process. IF YOU FAIL TO RAISE THIS AS A DEFENSE IN THE PLEADINGS, YOU WAIVE!

v. RULE 12(b)(5)—defense of insufficient service of process. IF YOU FAIL TO RAISE THIS AS A DEFENSE IN THE PLEADINGS, YOU WAIVE!

v Calculating Service and Filing Deadlines

i. RULE 6(a)(1)–When counting days, exclude the day o the act

ii. RULE 6(a)(2)–LESS THAN 11 DAYS: exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and l

claratory relief

· Constitutional law

· Business Relations (non-compete)

· Property (clear title)

· Contract Obligations

v Provisional Remedies—relief pending final adjudication, always specific relief and temporary

i. Preliminary Injunction (made before case has been heard on the merits)

· 4 criteria to have this awarded (INGLIS v. ITT)

o Threat of irreparable harm

o Balance the hardships—the ∆s will not be harmed more than the ∏ is helped by the injunction

o Granting it is in the public’s best interest

o ∏ would likely prevail on the merits

ii. Due Process

· Procedural Due Process

· Substantive Due Process

iii. Temporary Restraining Orders

· RULE 65(b)—must make effort to give notice of having the hearing

· Specific to TRO:

o typically issued ex parte (without the presence or knowledge of the other party)

o must show irreparable injury (situation is very urgent)

o given for limited terms (10 days)

2. Pleadings (TYPES—Rule 7…ANSWERS and COMPLAINTS)

v 8(a) Claim for Relief

v 8(b)(1) Must state defenses to each claim and admit or deny the allegations asserted

v 8(b)(6) allegation is admitted if not denied

v 8(c) Affirmative Defenses—defenses you have to specifically affirm in initial pleading

v 11(b) Representations to make to the court

i. No improper purpose

ii. Reasonable inquiry was made

iii. Some sort of evidentiary support

v 11(c) Sanctions to impose on attorneys for violating